Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Bondage of the Will: Point of Interest 1

"His unflagging polemic against the abuse of reason has often been construed as an insult on the very idea of rational coherence in theology, whereas-in fact it is aimed only at the ideal of rational autonomy and self-sufficiency in theology-the ideal of philosophers and scholastic theologians , to find out and know God by the use of their own unaided reason. It was in her capacity as the prompter and agent of 'natural' theology that mistress reason was in Luther's eyes the devil's whore; for natural theology is, he held, blasphemous in principle, and bankrupt in practice. Blasphemous in principle, because it seeks to snatch from God a knowledge of himself which is not His gift, but man's achievement-a triumph of human brain-power; thus it would feed man's pride, and exalt him above his Creator, as one who could know God at pleasure, whether or not God willed to be known by him." (Martin Luther, The Bondage of the Will, Translated By J.I. Packer & O.R. Johnston, pg. 45-46)

I had plenty comments to make about this excerpt from the book, however I decided to leave this portion to your own private meditation.

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